FAR Subpart 8.4 - Federal Supply Schedules

Federal Supply Schedule is simply another term for Multiple Award Schedule (MAS). FAR Section 8.4 of the FAR describes the procedures that must be followed when a federal customer is purchasing goods or services from a MAS contract. Contractors should be familiar with these requirements so that they are better prepared to generate quotes and accept orders from federal customers.

The MAS program simplifies the buying process while complying with federal procurement rules and regulations for vendors and government contracting officers alike. For example, when placing orders under MAS contracts, ordering activities do not need to seek competition outside of the Federal Supply Schedules or synopsize the requirement. This gives you an advantage over anyone who has not been awarded a MAS contract.

The FAR also states that before placing an order, an ordering activity shall consider all reasonably available information by surveying at least three Schedule contractors through GSA Advantage, or by reviewing the catalogs or price lists of at least three Schedule contractors. This is why it is paramount that each contractor’s price list and GSA Advantage file remains current at all times.