I created a Word 2016 document, sent that to person X who made edits to it in such a way to those edits would show up if I went to Review Tab --> "Simple Markup" or "All Markup." I wasn't familiar with how those would work so after receiving the file from X, I edited directly to the documents without "Accept" or "Reject" the changes. Now, even if "Simple Markup" or "All Markup" is chosen, the changes look very confusing to me so I neither want to "Accept" or "Reject" any of the claim for fear of messing up the version I now have. I like the document as it appears when I choose "No Markup". How do I create a Word file of this document so that the next person how opens it won't see all the past changes or those pesky left-side vertical bars that show up by default (until "No Markup" is selected)?
asked Oct 17, 2018 at 16:08
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Do you wish all changes to be accepted? This is done in Review > Accept > Accept All Changes.
Commented Oct 17, 2018 at 16:11
@harrymc Oh that works! Do you want to turn your comment into an answer or should I delete this question? (Btw, I chose Accept all Changes and Stop Tracking and I deleted All Comments.)
Commented Oct 17, 2018 at 16:15
This can be useful to others, so I added an answer.
Commented Oct 17, 2018 at 16:36